9 Jenis Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Singkat dan Mudah Dipraktekkan
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris sangat dibutuhkan dewasa ini. Kemajuan teknologi membuat Anda bisa menjalin hubungan dengan orang asing baik secara profesional maupun hubungan pertemanan biasa.
Bahkan ada juga yang sampai membangun rumah tangga dengan orang asing. Menarik, bukan?
Tidak soal apa tujuan Anda mempelajari Bahasa Inggris lebih dalam, pastikan Anda benar-benar memahami berbagai jenis percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris, sehingga komunikasi pun bisa berjalan dengan lancar dan tentunya menyenangkan.
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Sehari-hari dan Artinya

Percakapan paling mendasar dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah percakapan yang digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Berikut contoh percakapan sehari-hari dalam Bahasa Inggris yang bisa Anda coba terapkan agar semakin fasih dalam berkomunikasi.
- Abby : “Hey Bethany! How have you been?”
- Beth : “What a surprise. We haven’t met for a really long time. How have you been?”
- Abby : “I’m doing excellent. How about you?”
- Beth : “Oh, I finally can have some free time. I was exhausted getting everything right between my freelance projects and full-time job. However, everything is done now, so we can have some time for a cup of coffee.”
Interactive Greetings
- Carly : “Hi Dean, how are you doing?”
- Dean : “I’m doing very well. How about you?”
- Carly : “Not so bad.”
- Dean : “Do you love visiting this restaurant?”
- Carly : “Yes, I came here several times, but not on a regular basis. I come here just to celebrate some special occasions.”
- Dean : “Really? What occasion do you celebrate here now?”
- Carly : “I’m having a candle light dinner with my husband.”
- Dean : “Oh, congratulations! Please, send my regards to him.”
- Carly : “Will do. What have you been up to?”
- Dean : “I’m still managing the family business.”
- Carly : “I hope your business goes well.”
- Dean : “Thank you.”
Baca juga : 19 Kata-Kata Bijak Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya | Cara Belajar Bahasa Inggris Secara Otodidak dengan Cepat untuk Pemula
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris untuk Perkenalan
Jika suatu ketika Anda bertemu dengan orang baru, berikut beberapa contoh percakapan yang bisa membantu Anda berkenalan dan membangun pertemanan yang menyenangkan.
- Hi! My name is Esther.
- Good evening/afternoon/morning. I am Esther. Nice to meet you.
- How are you today? My name is Esther.
- I am Esther. It is a pleasure to meet you.
- Hello! I am Esther. I am really happy to finally meet you.
- Hi, good morning. My name is Esther and I come from Yogyakarta.
Ada beberapa contoh percakapan Bahasa Inggris yang bisa Anda terapkan, terutama ketika berkenalan dan memperkenalkan orang lain.
- Hi, my name is Esther and this is my friend Francis.
- This is a friend of mine, Francis.
- Please meet my friend, her name is Francis.
- I am Esther and this is Francis.
- Let me introduce you to my friend, her name is Francis.
Kemudian, ada beberapa pilihan respon yang bisa Anda berikan setelah berkenalan. Misalnya, cobalah beberapa kalimat percakapan respon berikut ini.
- Wow, you have a great name.
- Oh okay, hello Esther. Where do you come from?
- Yes, it is nice to know you Esther. How are you today?
- Hi Esther and Francis. Where were you before you came here?
- Hey Esther, it is a gorgeous name. Have you had your dinner yet?
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya
- Gina : Hey dear! Long time no see! (Hei sayang, sudah lama tidak ketemu!)
- Helen : Yes, it has been really long time! (Ya, sudah sangat lama sekali.)
- Gina : The last time we meet was five years ago. (Terakhir kita berjumpa lima tahun yang lalu)
- Helen : What are you doing these days? (Apa saja yang kamu lakukan selama ini?)
- Gina : I have been doing to manage my family business. (Aku mengurus usaha keluarga)
- Helen : What kind of business is it? (Usaha di bidang apa?)
- Gina : It is an animal farm. (Sebuah peternakan)
- Helen : Awesome! You must be really close to the animals. (Keren! Kamu pasti sangat dekat ya dengan hewan-hewan ternak.)
- Gina : Thank you. I really love them and I hope they also love me too. How are your folks? Are they doing okay? (Terima kasih. Aku benar-benar mencintai mereka dan aku berharap mereka juga menyayangiku. Bagaimana kabar keluargamu? Apakah mereka baik-baik saja?)
- Helen : They are great. How are your folks? (Mereka luar biasa baik. Bagaimana kabar keluargamu?)
- Gina : They are really well. I’m really happy we reconnected. (Mereka baik-baik saja. Aku senang sekali kita bisa bertemu lagi.)
- Helen : Let’s do this again sometimes (Mari kita kumpul lagi kapan-kapan.)
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Menawarkan Bantuan
- Irene : Good afternoon. Do you need some help?
- Jane : Yes, I’m looking for a wedding anniversary gift for my husband.
- Irene : Does your husband love a watch?
- Jane : Yes, he loves collecting watches.
- Irene : How about this handmade wooden watch?
- Jane : Wow, I think he will love this watch so much. Is there any other color?
- Irene : Sure, we have 5 different color options. Does your husband love blue?
- Jane : Yes, he does. How much is this watch?
- Irene : It is 500.000 Rupiah.
- Jane : I’ll take the blue one.
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di Telepon
- Kim : Hi, this is Kim. Can I speak to Leo?
- Leo : I’m speaking. What’s up Kim?
- Kim : Oh hi, Leo. Are you busy this Thursday?
- Leo : I haven’t got any plans for Thursday. What’s going on?
- Kim : I want to ask you to go watch a movie together. Would you love to?
- Leo : What movie are we going to watch?
- Kim : How about Jumanji?
- Leo : Sounds great! What time do you want us to meet?
- Kim : we can meet at 2 PM at the movies on Thursday. Sounds okay?
- Leo : Excellent! Seen you then, Kim.
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Liburan
Berikut salah satu contoh percakapan Bahasa Inggris mengenai liburan ke sebuah pantai.
- Mia : Hey, Nita. How was your vacation?
- Nita : It was incredible. What about you?
- Mia : I went nowhere. Where did you go last vacation?
- Nita : I visited some beaches in Bali.
- Mia : Cool! Who did you travel with?
- Nita : I went on vacation with my family.
- Mia : Did you stay in a hotel? How many days did you travel?
- Nita : No, we didn’t stay in a hotel. We stayed in my grandparent’s house. We spent ten days visiting the entire beaches in Bali.
- Mia : From the entire beach, which one do you love the most?
- Nita : All of them are so beautiful but I vote for Pantai Sanur.
Baca juga : Cerita Bahasa Inggris Tentang Liburan
Itu dia beberapa percakapan sederhana dan singkat yang bisa Anda praktekkan. Yakinlah, semakin sering diulang dan praktek, maka akan semakin cepat fasih berbahasa inggris. Semoga Bermanfaat ya~